
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Unmotivated Neptune and Powerful Pluto

On June 30th when the transiting Moon was in my 10th house on my visit to New York I found myself reconnecting and socializing a lot with the girls. When Neptune was involved cocktails flowed and all earthly pressures were put on hold....temporarily anyway. If my spirit is searching for the higher octave of Neptune's transcend ant nature it certainly will not be found in a cocktail shaker.

Ever since Neptune has been hovering tightly over my Mid heaven I have been feeling directionless and unmotivated. The antidote for languishing in Neptune's no man's land is to turn to the spiritual. It is no accident that I have been attending regular meditation sittings and have just yesterday attended my first yoga class in umpteen years.

I'm a mutable Sagittarius and find it hard to dismiss the army of thoughts marching into my my mind. My ruling planet is also in the sign of the archer which can be daunting to say the least, especially when it comes to the practice of meditation which requires a faithful commitment to a daily routine. My very mercurial and ever curious Gemini rising sign finds it nearly impossible to sit still. Thoughts continuously impose themselves on me like hungry gnats stinging one's skin on a humid summer night....certainly another challenge for the spiritual practitioner.

The planet Pluto has found my seventh house a very comfortable place to be lately. This can be a very dangerous transit for relationships but luckily for me the Plutonian types I have encountered were never powerful enough to destroy me. For those of you who are familiar with my Dobereiner blogs you know that the seventh house is in the third quadrant of the horoscope and is considered one of the three phases of the mental quadrant. The seventh house is the first of these three phases and consists of houses seven, eight and nine meaning that this is the house where we first encounter ideas. Pluto in my seventh house has helped me to encounter the idea of how powerful the mind actually is and it's unlimited potetial. I am beginning to see that the practice of meditation will empower me to focus my thoughts in a very effective and powerful way. Instead of having my thoughts take charge of me, meditation will enable me me to take charge of them.

Tomorrow I'll take on eccentric and unpredictable Uranus.

Don't forget! Until further notice my blog will only be twice a week.


msfullroller said...

Unmotivated & directionless, Neptune transiting my 6th house, uh yeah!! It's moved off my Venus/Moon opposition so the fog seems to be lifting a bit, but the motivation and get up and get it done has not come back from vacation yet. lol

Meanwhile Pluto is still transforming "the crib" and has been for quite sometime.


After all these years I have found Neptune transits to be the most difficult. Trying to identify something you can't see can make you crazy.
Nice to hear from you:-))