
Friday, August 21, 2009

Urges to Merge

If there were a day to choose when to ask that special someone for a first date this is it. The vibrations in the sky are really terrific for developing new relationships. Ready to invite that lovely lady you met at the gym the other night for dinner? Well today is the day you could put a smile on her face and a reason to wear the new frock she just sunk a fortune into. Already in a relationship and wondering if he'll ever tie the knot? Don't be surprised if he pops the question today.

Party planners should be reaping rewards for all their hard work now. Social networking can develop into something big now. Jewelers can expect an increase in sales today as couples feeling the need to express their affection with a symbol of their love. On-line dating could reach an all time high as "urge to merge" stats keep climbing.

The planets Jupiter, Venus and Mercury all point to lots of conversation filled with the potential for romance. Don't resist invitations to anywhere or anything because today is a one in a million day where love is in the air and everyone is feeling it.

But do keep your caution meter on high and watch out for a powerful Pluto/Venus energy that has the possibility to draw in fateful soul unions on the one hand or unhealthy obsessions on the other.

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