
Friday, November 15, 2024

 Happy Birthday Scorpio

I'm really tired of Scorpio's getting a bad rap.  Is it because it's symbol is a  deadly scorpion?  Yes that is part of it.  But I'm sure the sign of Gemini represented by the symbol of the twins would never elicit such a response.  Not even close, except of course if your cheating ex was that double dealing sign.  But no, on a scale from one to ten Scorpio wins hands down when it comes to shudders and moans. And why you ask?  I'm hear to give you the low down. And I'm just sick, sick, sick of it I say. And I'm not even a Scorpio, however I do have two sisters born under the eighth sign of the zodiac which gives me the right to stand up for, in my estimation the most powerful sign of the zodiac.

First you must understand that the zodiac signs correspond with the seasons. The sign of Aries begins with the vernal equinox on March 21 to about April 19, the sign of Taurus begins on  April 20th to May 20th and because I don't want to keep writing the dates for you, just go look it up it and save me time.  Just check the dates for Scorpio.  The dates for Scorpio are October 23rd to November 21st. Notice anything interesting about this time of year?  Notice how the leaves on the trees are turning colors and dying on the branches?  Notice how  crops are being harvested.  This period is not marked as a particularly peak growing period.  In fact many crops have completed their growing season. Winter will be on its way.  What else do you notice as you look around your neighborhood around this time?  Perhaps little children dressed as goblins, ghosts and witches? Symbols of death and dying.

Yep, now we have entered the underworld but instead of actually going there, instead we are left with only the symbolism in nature. The phrase trick or treat harkens to the days when magic was real. When spells were cast and a price would have to be paid to have the spell broken   Now we are only left with candy bars and sour patch kids. But for astrologers we know that Pluto, the most powerful planet in the solar system (I don't care what those Pluto deniers say...I've been through many Pluto transits to attest to the fact that Pluto has the power to wipe out things you thought were going to last forever.) Yes folks Pluto rules death dying and endings. Metaphorically and literally.  Also mega money.  People born under the sign of Scorpio have a natural understanding of money and do all they can to control it  Hence their tendency to be tight fisted.  Even the most spiritually minded of the sign knows that money is power and will do all they can to be in control of it.  They can be found in careers as undertakers, money lenders, forensic pathologists, detectives, and even psychics and mediums.  Basically these guys like to get to the bottom of things.  They also make great surgeons.  In fact, if you need to get what needs to get out of your body, get a Scorpio surgeon he/she will clean it out...clean as a whistle.

Now enough of all this crap and get to the nitty gritty of what I find the best.  Scorpios are the most loyal sign of the zodiac  Once they commit to anything or anybody they are all in.  Since they are the most loyal and commitment oriented sign of the zodiac they have often been hurt when they find out that most of the other  eleven signs of the zodiac aren't, which unfortunately results in trust issues for them.  So when you agree to meet or do a favor for a Scorpio, remember that agreement  is tattooed on their brain, so be sure to keep the agreement in order to avoid hurt feelings. This is where their need for control comes in.  They are deathly afraid of losing anything of value especially the people in their life.

Sure, they want things their way, so learn to give it to them.  It's better than fighting a losing game.  If they insist in offering you something you don't want just stand your ground and say thank you but no thank you.  If you need to hire a housekeeper, hire the Scorpio they can't do anything half way. Basically this sign will do whatever has to be done to death.  In my estimation if I need a job to be done right, hire a Scorpio.  Obviously there is a lot more but I don't have the time or inclination right now.  Just know all of you Scorpio haters should go deeper into why you are so prejudiced.  Maybe you see a reflection of yourself in this killer (and I mean that in a good way) sign.  

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