On April 20th the most horrible oil spill in US history occurred in the Gulf of Mexico. Quite frankly the pain of it all made it impossible for me to think about it let alone look at the transits. Eventually I summoned up the courage and I used Sibley's USA chart to check the transits to the midpoints. First I checked out the midpoints between Mars and Uranus because no two planets represent spontaneous combustion better than hot headed Mars and crazy unpredictable Uranus.
The Mars/Uranus midpoint of the US chart is 14 degrees of Gemini. This volatile midpoint is only two degrees away from the USA's ascendant at 12 degrees of Sagittarius. I wonder if the transiting Moon in early Gemini on April 19th, which was the the day before the incident would have been significant enough to carry it's light and energize the event into the next day.
The next day we can see that Moon at 23 Gemini had just left a square to the USA's Neptune and shortly before that, an opposition to Mars. The Moon rules the USA's eighth house. The eighth house is the earning power of a nation. The Moon making a transit to the USA Neptune could certainly signify a loss or dissolving away of our country's earning power. The T-square of the Moon, Neptune and Mars could be interpreted as an activity that is poisoning the water. Not only is this costing inestimable financial damage it is also destroying the earth's most precious commodities...wildlife, aquatic life and pristine seas. I would also like to point out that Neptune in the USA's natal horoscope could describe a country with loose morals. How's else could this horrible contraption have been able to be constructed in the first place.
Certainly I'm not saying that this lunar transit is totally responsible...I forget to mention the mutable transit of Jupiter in Pisces which I'm sure helped to make this a super Waterworld kind of event happen. And yes I know, Uranus is not actually applying to the USA's Neptune any longer but it still has to get out of the mutable vicinity as far as I'm concerned. Transiting Uranus is the USA's third house. The third house is the immediate environment of the country. Isn't what we are having an environmental upset?
Oh, and did I forget to mention that as Uranus enters the sign of Aries we will experience unexpected firsts. Next Saturn and Uranus' impact on the cardinal MC/IC axis means we are in for even more surprises.
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