
Monday, October 19, 2020


Patience is the only way to deal with the current hostage holding Saturn/Pluto conjunction. This powerful constipated aspect is holding the whole planet hostage by powerful forces that are striving to upend the current political and ideological structures that actually have outlived their usefulness.  Pluto is ruthless when it comes to wiping out outmoded ways of doing things. On its positive side it brings in the new to change the status quo for the benefit of the masses.  On the negative side, those people susceptible to dark forces will do anything to promote their evil agendas in order to continue business as usual.  Only the wise and conscious will be able to see what is really going on.  As the Dylan song goes...The Times They are a Changin'.  

The planet Neptune is also hanging around lulling susceptible people into a drugged slumber, drinking and partying while ignoring the reason why the sale of disinfectants has gone through the roof. People who are striving to hold on to the old outmoded ways of living and doing business will suffer extreme disappointment as their dreams go up in smoke due to buying into the fantasies and lies promoted by greedy legislators, politicians and their ilk.

I must admit the current news cycle has made it very difficult for me to feel we will get out of this with a happy ending.  However, after reviewing the words on this page I can actually see a light at the end of the tunnel.   


Maria said...

Wonderful. Thank you for this.

Carol Cannon said...

In your level-headed, realistic way, you are preparing us and reminding us that things are cyclical, so no matter how bad it gets, it is for life itself to better express itself, so the change we must be :-) I love your clarity and directness of encapsulating the situation. Thank you.